Although the past couple of years have been challenging, I’m still hearing testimony after testimony from women who are experiencing the shift of God! They have shared how God is turning things around in their lives from their marriage, to finances, to vocation, and every area of their lives – the shift is taking place!
When we are driving (particularly automatic cars) there is a part inside the car called a ‘gear selector’. It allows you to shift the gear in Park, Reverse, Neutral, or Drive. If you have a SUV you may have some additional choices. Shifting this gear selector lets the car know what you want it to do! If you want to go forward, you shift your gear into drive, conversely, if you want to go backward, you shift your gear into reverse. If you want to get going and move to another destination, the car will not achieve this goal sitting in Park - it won’t move.
Many of us are disrupting progress because we are trying to control the gear selector in our lives instead of letting God take total control. When our hands are on the gear selector things look like this:
-We are ready to go, go, go! We have moved the gear selector to Drive and we’re off! God is saying, no, in this season I need you to be in Park, I need you to be still and hear from Me. But because we are not heeding the voice of God and controlling the gear selector on our own, we just keep driving and driving, never getting to our destination! Some of us are crashing and burning because we should be in Park right now, letting the Lord minister to us in this season.
-Some of us are in chilling in Park! God has given us the vision, the instructions, the marching orders and we won’t take our hands off the gear selector so God can move it into Drive. We sittin’ in Park on our gifts, sittin’ in Park on our abilities and sittin’ in Park on our vision. We won’t move. Why? Doubt, fear, people-pleasing, discouragement and more are all clogging up our engines! The engine light is on but we won’t go get it checked! So, we just sittin’ in Park, chillin’, not moving and not doing what God has told us to do.
-Some of us are in Neutral, not really moving but just coasting along. Procrastination is the thorn in your side causing you to stay in this gear. You won’t take your hands off because of fear so you stay in your comfort zone, just coasting.
-Some of us are in Park but looking in the rear view! You can’t move forward because you are constantly looking back. You are pining over what you thought you lost but you didn’t’ lose, God shielded you! Looking in the rear-view mirror causes us to be stagnant and immobile. God is looking to do new things in our lives, but we won’t let go of what was! In fact, the ‘what was’ becomes more dominant than the ‘what is’ or the ‘what shall be’ (we will jump more into this one at the next Girrrl Get Empowered Virtual Event)
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What gear are you in right now? Is your hand still on the gear selector? I want to encourage you today to take your hand off the gear selector and let God take total control. Life is better when God is in the driver’s seat. Let Him shift your life today!
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