Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Finish Strong!

Well it’s about 60-something days left in 2019 and I want you to know that some great things can still happen! Maybe you’ve missed the mark on some of your 2019 goals. The good news is even if you didn’t fully get to goal, there is still some time and room to make some serious strides! Here are 3 things you can do to finish strong in 2019:

-Re-Visit! – Visit your ‘why’ again, that reason why you wanted to complete this goal in the first place! Why did you want to start the business? Why did you want to begin the ministry? What is your big ‘why’? Visit that place and discover why you wanted to complete this goal! 

-Re-Ignite! – Once you’ve re-discovered your ‘why’ now you can re-ignite the fire that gets you pumped! Read some inspirational posts like Girrrl Stop or put on that song that motivates you and gets you going! Whateva you gotta do – do it and re-ignite the fire within you!

-Re-Do! – Just do something! I don’t care what it is, do at least one small thing that will inch you toward your goal. If it’s to start a business, work on getting your website up and running or even your business cards printed! Do something!!

Taking small steps toward goal are great ways to have quick wins!
Quick wins are a surefire way to finish strong!

Do the Work in 2024!

Happy New Year Girrrl!  I pray that the first 3 days in 2024 have been fruitful!  As women, God has called you to do the work in 2024. It...