Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Be Clear!

I know you all have written out that infamous list! You know, the man list!! Lord, I want him to be tall, dark, handsome and a host of other stuff that people come up with. Let me pause here and say that I’m not actually a fan of the list as I believe it closes you off to other possibilities that you may not realize you need however, if you must have a list please add this one to it: Clear! Clear what? Skin? Speech? No ladies - Clear Direction!! 

He needs to be clear on his purpose, passion and path in order to have the capacity to love and care for you properly. He must be clear on his purpose, that thing that God designed him to do. When asked the age-old question, “Why am I here?”, a man clear on his purpose will be able to articulate a clear answer. Keep in mind that purpose evolves over time and that’s okay. The important thing here is that he be in tune with the Holy Spirit and open to new directions that God may be leading him into. So I suppose that means a purpose-filled man is one who prays!

Not only must he be clear on his purpose but he also must be clear about his passions - those things that fuel his spirit. Adding ‘clear’ to your list will help you pray for a man who is clear on his likes and dislikes but open to learning and discovering new things. 

Lastly, his path should be clear to him. This is not to say there won’t be some detours or U-turns but the path should be clear. He should be led by the Holy Spirit to ensure he reaches his destination. 

The reality is that clarity is a precious jewel that doesn’t come cheap. To be ‘clear’ is costly as it requires you to be focused and perhaps forgo some comfort and convenience. There is a price to pay for clarity but the benefits are more than worth it! 

So Girrrl, I encourage you today to not only add this to your ‘Man List’ but make sure clarity is front & center on your own personal growth list! You must be or at least be working on what it is you are requiring of others. Ladies, be clear on your purpose, your passions, and your path! It is here while you are traveling down your passion-filled, path of purpose that you’ll collide with your “him” and his purpose - and this is what I call The Beautiful Collision! 

Do the Work in 2024!

Happy New Year Girrrl!  I pray that the first 3 days in 2024 have been fruitful!  As women, God has called you to do the work in 2024. It...