Thursday, May 31, 2018

Release Dat!

Well it’s the last day of May and the last of our series: It’s Renewal Season! If you’re going to be renewed this season you’ve got to learn how to release some stuff so that God can revive, refresh, and restore your spirit! 

Photo Cred: Nigel Morgan

Sometimes we walk around with stuff that God didn’t intend for us to carry. We keep things bottled in that if someone just taps us we might explode. So my word to end this series is simple today: Girrrl Release Dat! 

-So what you’ve made some mistakes in your past - God has forgiven you and moved on and now it’s time for you to ‘Release Dat’! 

-You keep making excuses about what you can’t do based on some lie you tell yourself: 
Ex: I can’t start this business because I’m not business savvy, I wouldn’t know where to begin

LIES! - You are indeed business savvy, you don’t make it 20+, 25+,35+, 40+ years in life not knowing anything. ‘Release Dat’!  

-You’re still hurt by that family member or friend who wronged you. Your anger keeps you up at night and is literally causing you physical distress. Girrrl pray to God to remove it and then ‘Release Dat’!!

Whatever you are holding on to, whatever belief is holding you back, whatever hurt you are holding on to that you refuse to let go, whatever habit you are holding on to that is stunting your growth, it’s time to ‘Release Dat’! 

By now you’ve noticed that every time I write ‘Release Dat’ I bold it. That way when you skim this post and the main point will saturate your spirit! 

Give the ‘dat’ over to God. Let Him remove it and do away with it for you. There’s an old hymn (do churches still sing hymns?) we used to sing called ‘I Surrender All’: 

All to Jesus I surrender
All to Him I freely give
I will ever love and trust Him
In His presence daily live

I surrender all
I surrender all
All to Thee my blessed Savior 
I surrender all

Girrrl do the work that you have to do and ‘Release Dat’! God wants you to be free, refreshed, restored and ready to live your life!  

You are worthy! You are exuberant! You are a unlimited! 

Renew. Refresh. Slay! 

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