**REPOST - I ran across this older post I wrote some time ago but it did indeed bless me today - I hope it blesses you too**
My younger cousin has a Boost Mobile cell phone. This company has built its brand on being a prepaid cell service provider. This means you prepay for your minutes each month and when the next month comes, if you don’t pay, it is okay you just won’t have any minutes to use. No contracts, no hassle I suppose but the best part is you never owe a bill. I’m sure Boost does not have a collections department because everything is prepaid!
When I think of this concept my mind begins to wander to Christ and how he prepaid the price for our sinful natures. There’s a popular Christian cliché that simply says “Jesus Paid it All”. The word ‘paid’ is a verb; it is the past participle of the word ‘pay’ which denotes that ‘paid’ is an action that has already taken place. Just as my cousin pays her Boost Mobile bill so she’ll have minutes to use, Jesus Paid It All way back on Calvary so that you and I might have ‘Minutes in Victory’, ‘Minutes in Peace’, and ‘Minutes in Blessings’!
He did all of this in advance!
When I think of God doing this in advance for us, my mind, body and soul begins to rejoice because I’m ‘paid in full’!!!
That's good right there!