Hey Girrrl Stop Nation! I know y'all out there making goals and stuff (#goaldiggers) but as we are focusing on renewal in the month of May I want to encourage you to celebrate the small wins!
Every large goal requires smaller goals in order to reach them. You know you could say, “Lord, my goal is to not cuss folks out anymore” and then lo and behold Sister Lulabell at the church bring some craziness to you and you get to cussin’! But this time you only went ham for 30 seconds as opposed to your normal 15 minutes!! Well celebrate that - it’s an accomplishment!
I’m a new believer in celebrating small wins because it gives that dose of encouragement you need to stay in the race and keep going! For every small win you know you’re that much closer to the main goal!
-You may not have reached your 25 pound weight loss goal yet but you’re going to the gym 3-4 times a week on a regular basis - celebrate it!
-You may not have paid off that credit card yet but you are now sticking to a budget for the first time in your life - celebrate it!
-You may not have fully mastered not going nuts on your teenager for their smart aleck mouth but this week you mastered the
‘you-got-3-seconds-to-get-out-of-my-sight’ look and poof! They disappeared into another room or another galaxy but who cares, you got some peace! - celebrate it!
Celebrating those small wins will renew and fuel your spirit, causing you to feel absolutely amazing about yourself and keep you going even through tough situations!
2 Chronicles 15:7 (NLT) - But as for you, be strong and courageous, for your work will be rewarded
(MSG) - But it’s different for you: Be strong. Take heart. Payday is coming!
You are incredible! You are awesome! You are a winner!
Renew. Refresh. Slay!
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