Thursday, March 21, 2019

You're Worth It - God's Redirection

Clearly I love inspirational posts – that’s what you get when you visit Girrrl Stop at any of the social media sites (i.e. FB, da gram, & tweetz!); you get inspired! Whether it is a scripture or some sassy, cute quote, I always aim to inspire! Sometimes tho, I get annoyed reading some of these type of posts and my apologies if you do too. I mean how many times am I going to tell women that they are worth it? I think I might be at about 109 times right now! I struggled on what to write this week because this week and in recent weeks, I’ve been the one to actually need the inspiration. At times during the last few weeks I’ve felt discarded, rejected and simply worthless. I felt unworthy to inspire others, unworthy to give instruction/advice and unworthy to be what I know I am: DOPE! It was in this moment that I realized that there is always an audience for even the most repeated message. So for the 110th time: 

Am I? Yes you are!! You are worth whatever it is you are desiring in your heart and worth God’s very best! How do we get this message misconstrued? How do we go in the wrong direction, spiraling down a hole of doubt & despair? Oh I know – it’s those periods of time where we don’t feel our best and we’re in the ‘valley’. These valley times seem to trip us up because they trick us into believing that the valley is permanent! These times make us believe that U-turns are forbidden and that we will never get back on track and go in the right direction. 

Here’s the good news – God will provide a redirect! Just like our GPS re-directs us when we’ve made a wrong turn, the Holy Spirit will do the same. The valley is temporary and it is this fact that solidifies this statement: 

No matter where you are in your life’s journey, your worth as a woman never changes!

Y’all know Romans 8:28, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose”. In short: God works everything out for our good – the good He works out for our good – the bad He works out for our good – the ugly He works out for our good – everything! 

So if you’re in the valley today, know that you’re still worth it and still deserving of God’s best! 

On this journey, U-turns are permitted even if they’re in the middle of the street, intersection, or even the highway - wherever! God’s redirection is on the way! 

"Every time I thought I was being rejected from something good. I was actually being re-directed to something better." 

-Steve Maraboli

1 comment:

  1. Now you got it. You are worth EVERYTHING to God. That's why He made you in His image. He sees you as jewels. Precious jewels. Whole your head UP girls and strut like I know you can. Remember what ever you need or even want GOD'S GOT IT. SIMPLY ASK HIM!!!!!


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