A few weekends ago I was blessed with a ticket to see the production ‘Jesus’ at Sight and Sound in Pennsylvania. What an awesome production it was and the set changes were amazing! After the play my group traveled over to the Shady Maple (I think that’s the name) buffet. The buffet choices were endless. At the grill station there was steak, salmon and blackened catfish. The catfish was outstanding! The line at the grill station was long because they were cooking everything on site. As I ventured over to the line to get me a piece of (ok another piece of) catfish, I started to turn around because the line was just too long and I did not want to wait! My cousin happened to be at the front of the line so I asked him to get my fish for me. Right in that moment I made eye contact with my Pastor and he looked like “no she’s not jumping this line”. I felt bad for a split second but not bad enough to recant my request for the catfish. But it did make me think further about how people do not like to wait for anything. Why?
Waiting can be hard. We live in a microwave society where everything is produced right away. No one wants to wait for anything these days. You don’t wait for the customer service rep, you use self-service. You don’t wait in line, you order on your phone and pick up. You have a structured settlement? Can’t wait, you need your cash NOW! Everything is now, now and right now! We do not like to wait for anything because we love convenience but what I’ve discovered: convenience ain’t free!
There is always a cost for convenience, sometimes the cost is small and sometimes it’s massive. The convenience fee you pay Cash App for dispensing your money instantly is small. The convenience fee you pay for settling for just “ok” versus “God’s best” for your life is massive!
So I hear you asking 'what convenience fee do you mean?' Well let me provide a short list:
When you put your desires above what God's Word says
Fee = Life Becomes A Hot Mess (Filled with Disappointment)
When you settle for Mr. Right Now instead of waiting on God's best
Fee = Life Becomes A Hurt Mess (Filled with Heartbreak and Headache)
When you decide to do things the world's way instead of standing firm on God's Word
Fee = A Whole Mess (Filled with Catastrophe and Confusion)
Whoa! These fees are enormous and will eat up any life that you have left! In these instances, convenience isn't worth it! Don't settle, wait on God's best and always remember: convenience ain't free!
You are so right sister!